Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a hands-on approach that manipulates the body's soft tissues to promote healing and relaxation. It addresses physical and mental health concerns through various techniques and pressure. It relieves muscle tension, improves circulation, reduces pain, and enhances the body's healing abilities. This therapy offers benefits such as stress reduction, improved sleep, and mood enhan... Read More

Massage therapy is a hands-on approach that manipulates the body's soft tissues to promote healing and relaxation. It addresses physical and mental health concerns through various techniques and pressure. It relieves muscle tension, improves circulation, reduces pain, and enhances the body's healing abilities. This therapy offers benefits such as stress reduction, improved sleep, and mood enhancement.

For over 10 years, Neill worked as an RMT in Quebec, and is now registered in the Province of BC. Neill graduated from the Vancouver Career College RMT program in 2022 and is in good standing with the CMTBC.

His treatment approach is client centered, customizing each treatment to meet the specific needs and goals of each patient. Because, of his many years of experience, as well as the knowledge gained through the completion of the BC RMT Program, he recognizes the importance of considering the body in its entirety, when treating patients.

To achieve optimal treatment results, he utilizes a variety of massage techniques, some of which include myofascial releases, joint mobilization, and deep tissue techniques, when appropriate. Also, during each session, he incorporates stretching, patient education, and a home program is given to help fast track the recovery process.

Neill enjoys treating patients who are physically active, have undergone surgery, recovering from an injury, or are experiencing pain associated with their activities of daily living (ADLs)

He has been involved in competitive sport since childhood. Presently, he runs marathons and is preparing to compete in his 1st Iron Man competition.

For over 10 years, Neill worked as an RMT in Quebec, and is now registered in the Province of BC.... Read More

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